Best Edibles in Studio City

Best Edibles in Studio City

When it comes to the best edibles in Studio City, WHTC only carries the best of the best. Every edible on the WHTC shelf is known for quality, potency, and attention to detail. From sourcing the finest ingredients to manufacturing, every brand we carry takes excellent...
Dispensary 101: How to Buy Weed

Dispensary 101: How to Buy Weed

It’s finally happened — you’ve decided to buy weed from a dispensary. Congratulations! As with anything, there are certain things you should know to have the best experience when buying bud. In this article, we’ll discuss everything from dispensary...

Cannabinoids 101

We all love cannabis, but how well do you know this amazing plant? What makes cannabis so unique and beneficial? One answer is cannabinoids. Cannabawhat? Can-na-bi-noids. Got it? Well, even if you don’t, we got you. Welcome to Cannabinoids 101, our guide to...